Saturday, July 31, 2010

recovering merv . . .

matt let merv sleep in our room last night because of his recent surgery. matt is slightly {REALLY} allergic to kitties so this was a big deal. if it weren't for matt's infirmity, merv would be snuggled up on my pillow every night. matt is a trooper. merv won't be able to walk normal for a few weeks so he has spent most of his time laying down the last few days. i gave merv breakfast in bed this morning . . . this made me smile! i know merv isn't smiling about the bandages on his hands, but matt and i can't help but giggle every once in awhile at his little punching gloves.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

On a scale from 1 to 10 . . .

hello. i am ash and i live a wonderful life with my husband matt and my kittie merv. i am not a crazy cat lady but yes, merv is pretty much my child. there are too many hilarious, special, crazy, never-want-to-forget things that happen in my world to not type them down. yes i know how to spell and capitalize, but this is not school and i like to spell things different sometimes and i like how the lower case " i " looks more than the upper case one. i am getting off track. so bottom line is : i want to record and share with the world the things that happen in my day to day life that make me smile.

today i painted a red, square on matt's big toe . . . this made me smile. merv had a surgery that will make him meow even more like a girl . . . this did not make me smile, but life cannot be smiles 100% of the time . . . i am happy to report that the surgery went well and merv will be treated even more like a king for the next few weeks.

matt is a farmer and real estate agent. i think he is more adorable when he is farming. he loves calvin klein, reading the newspaper, and taking naps.

matt tells me i am a simple minded person "in a good way" but let's face it, he is right. i love taking pictures, giggling, creating things, and cuddling anything furry.
merv is a spaz {period} he enjoys maiming q-tips, chasing lasers, taking long naps on my tummy, and watching LOST.