Monday, September 20, 2010

catching up!

matthew has been doing amazing in school! i am happy to brag that he received 90% on his marketing test, on his econ test, 100% on his accounting quiz! i married a brilliant man. he is also keeping up on his homework...he is far more diligent than i when it comes to homework. i took a break from school. i know, i know...once you take a break you never go back...but i have every intention of attending weber for the upcoming spring semester. i am in between majors at the moment...too bad i can't major in fun, merv, or matthew. i have made appointments to meet with a career counselor. i am signed up to take a bunch of forever long tests that are supposed to tell me what i would be amazing at. as of now i am considering majoring in photography or graphic design. any advice or experience on this??? i know they aren't the most practical majors and i know they won't lead to a safe, practical career...but, let's face it...i am giving up on practical.

so matthew and i have been trying {not very hardLY} to transform ourselves into healthy people. i have started going to the gym about 3 times a week...which i have actually really enjoyed. the hard part is the whole eat-healthy-food-and-not-the-stuff-that-tastes-fabulous business. our goal is to be down to our desired weight by halloween...i am only 3 pounds closer to my goal than when i started! but i am not giving up. i am not sure how mr. matthew is doing, but i think he's procrastinating even more than i. he keeps telling me "i was a wrestler in high school...i can drop weight really fast" but i think he is stalling haha. neither of us really care about the weight, the actual number of pounds that make us up, but we both really just want to be healthy and form good habits while we are young...should that be so hard?! apparently!

the peterson's have finished LOST.!!! {that is my celebratory trumpet sound}matt and i both enjoyed the ending and have even talked about buying the seasons and watching it again one day...time well spent. we have agreed upon big bang theory as our next show. we have been watching clips online and have been pleased. now we just have to figure out the how.... buy the seasons, rent, netflicks...hmmm....any suggestions???

we finally broke down and bought internet...the iphone was not cuttin' it! hopefully i will be more inclined to blog more frequently because i won't be ripping my hair out every time i get online!

mel and aleene treated the family to pedicures for our birthdays and matt and i really enjoyed it...big thanks to the patriarch/matriarch of the petersons. pedicures are always fabulous, but it was extra nice slash fun to be there with the family. i learned a little bit more about the Vietnamese people that own the salon i go to because mel was prying all kinds of info out of them! it was quite entertaining. i also loved watching the kiddies...little malan is going to be a salon girl and she is starting early. haha some of my favorite snaps:

don't let the boys fool you...they LOVED it.
this little girl is a natural at being pampered!

so a little bit ago i found out that my dear matter had never been to the dinosaur naturally i planned a secret date and surprised him. after a stoll through the beautiful temple ground, we headed off to dino land ogden. granted it is kinda more for children haha but we had fun none-the-less. shall we take a look at my favorite snaps from that adventure?? deal :

Ah! Seatbelts!
MATT! right behind you!

i know....we are nerds

museum pose


  1. Love the Pics! I can't believe they got Nate to get a pedicure.... Hopefully one day I'll get my husband there. I hear you on the eating right, its just no fun but totally worth it (at least thats what people tell me)Can't wait to see you cute and crazy people! love ya!

  2. Ha Ha that sounds so fun! And we have another free netflix voucher if you want it! We love netflix!
