Monday, November 29, 2010

home to snow

the petersons are back in hooper....with merv. we had a super great time in colorado springs with matter's parents and his sweet sister jen and her family. jen made a fabulous thanksgiving dinner and matt and i couldn't get enough of our fun-hilarious-rowdy-love-to-play nephews. we are already looking forward to seeing them again in the summer! we are so grateful to have such amazing family in our lives and extra thankful that we were able to travel so safely to go spend time with some of them.

so needless to say, even though i had a fabulous time in CO, i was anxious to get home to mervie. we even got a little souvenir...a cute little Christmas sweater! however, i may have misjudged merv's size just a bit:

slightly snug...

mervie wasn't a huge fan of his gift...
when he got outside he didn't seem as distracted by his tine outfit...

...he was more concerned about the snow
the little ball on top is my favorite part :)

he was quite hesitant about the chilly snow haha

me and my merv out in the snow

handsome little fella isn't he?

after awhile he enjoyed playing with the snow

the end of a snow day for merv :)
i promise i am not a crazy cat lady...but you can have no doubt that i love my mervie!

so as for what is new with matt and ash:

well matt is still chuggin along with school...two weeks left, but you can be assured they will be two weeks of homework. test. test. homework. paper. paper. big project. paper. test.....anyway you get the idea. he has now finished his remodeling job so he will be focusing all of his time on school for the next few weeks.

as for me...nothing new...just work, movies, sleep, merv, seinfeld, matter, snow angels, eat, dishes, snuggle, and putting up the Christmas tree ....just living the good life :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the tree! Merv looks so vogue! adorable! We had a great time too! Thanks so much for taking the time to come and see us! We treasure these precious moments of time with our family! Josh can't wait until matt and ashalee comes again... except he says that if aunt ashalee tries to put makeup on him again he will live under his bed! :>
