Sunday, January 2, 2011

See you next year...

wowsers! times is a crazy thing my friends! i can't believe it is 2011. it's going to take me at least 3 months to stop writing 2010...and 2011 just sounds more spacie to me, like we're now living in the future or something.

anyway i have a lot of catching up to do...this may be the longest post ever, so grab some popcorn....older people always say the holidays are a busy, crazy time...i didn't agree till this year [which makes me older i guess] as a child i never realized how much work my parents went through to make my holidays a happy time. i got very behind on my blogging because there was just too much to do and not enough time to do it!

matter finished up his fall sememster and did super well. he was quite nervous about his econ class. he needed a B in that class in order to get accepted into the business college at weber. he work extremely hard all semester long and it paid off! he passed every single class and got the B he needed. merv and i are so so proud of him! he is all registered for spring and is on track to graduate in spring 2012...then who knows where the road will take us!

matt and i really enjoyed our first Christmas together! i loved coming home to a lit tree in my window [not nealy as much as merv enjoyed the tree though], making homemade stockings, and playing Christmas music 24/7. we also loved participating in the hunt pageant! i have been in the pageant as long as i can remember and this was matt's second year. he got promoted to a wise man! other Christmas activities included the eclipse Christmas concert, a Christmas eve breakfast with friends, the john schmidt Christmas concert, and of course a heart-healthy dose of family gatherings!

making stockings

merv's wasn't quite finished at this time of this photo...we ran out of hot-glue!

our first tree!
can you spot the tree gnome?

merv spent most of his free time perched in our tree

cutest decoration ever!

wise man matt and shepherd ash

needless to say merv took great pleasure in maiming the gifts

merv enjoys Christmas

Christmas morning

merv opening his stocking

matter is enjoying his new "chore" hat, comfy pants, and fresh mountain dew shirt, merv can't get enough of his special-formulated kittie milk and his new peacock-feather toy, and i am lovin all my andes mints, my new coat, and my new messenger bag.
peacock-feather toy

chore hat? and the old mountain dew shirt that was replaced

Christmas is my favorite season because it seems like it's easier for us to forget about the worldly differences and recognize that we are all family... all God's children. i love the spirit i feel during this season and the hope it gives me that there are still so many good things happening in this crazy world.

happy new year world....a day late.

we had our great pals over new years eve and it's official...we are all old fogies since we got married! we made it to about 12:30 and party was over and bedtime was initiated. our priorities have just shifted a little and sleep has moved up the me crazy but i thoroughly enjoy sleeping!  it was still a slammin party though haha we partyed it up with food, despicible me, scribblish, cuponk, food, scrabble slam, nintendo, and food.

it was really nice having some time off for new years to spend with matt and mervie. we had a snow day new year's eve day. it was quite frigid and the snow wasn't as packable as i would have hoped, but we still enjoyed ourselves and it gave merv a chance to wear his new coat. we tried making a snow man, but it was pretty much a powder pile...we even tried to add some package by pouring water on it, but in the end it was still just a pile of powder. we did accomplish snow angels and our names though. i am not sure what merv thought of all the snow...he loves being outside but i am sure that love was battling the fact that his toes were freezing. every time i went to put him down his toes would fan out and recoil...i think he warmed up to it though. he loved trying to catch the powdery snow as i tossed it around. he was quite tolerant of his new coat....outside....once he was inside it was a different story:
me and merv playing in the snow

majestic snow merv

matter and mervie shoveling the walk

merv watching matt shovel the walk once his toes got too cold

merv's true feelings about his new coat

when we put the hood on merv pretty much became incapacitated...

the petersons have spent the last week thinking of the things we would like to work on this year. matter and i are very different in the way we set goals. matt is far more realistic than me and likes to set precise goals that he knows are perfectly attainable. i live in a bit more of a dream world...i like to aim high [most often unrealistic] and i figure that if i fall short of my high goals, i will still be sitting pretty good because they were high to begin with. neither of us can stand the way the other sets goals, but we laugh about our differences and i can truly say i find joy in our differences...most the time. here are a few of our res-o-new-tions [i figure putting them on the blog will allow you to harass us when we are slacking] :
1. get all A's and B's [nothing lower than a B]                 
2. go to the gym 3 times a week                                   
3. no pop at all...with the exception of 1 pepsi throwback on sundays

1. cook one made-from-scratch meal twice a month
 2. go to the gym 5 days a week
3. go to the temple each week 

1. kick biting

matt and i are competing in biggest loser....schneider edition. we weighed in tonight and will go till april 2nd. there are 9 competitors and at the end we will weigh in again and the loser with the highest percentage lost will take home the pot.  shortly after the weigh-in matt and i came home and trashed the temptations...which unfortunately contained wonderfully tasty delights:
garbaged treats...who know why i can't get this picture to flip the right way!
so matt and i got gym memberships for Christmas so i decided i wanted to store our treadmill downstairs. i told matt we could wait until he had another buff guy here to help him, but he, for some unknown reason, felt that i would be adequate enough for this task. so i joined in his confidence and we began to hull this masssive piece of equipment towards our stairs of death. for those of you who have not been to my house, i will explain as well as i can. leading down to our basement our somewhat spiraled stairs that grow thinner on the left side as they descend...observe object A:
spiraling stairs of death
 so we measure the treadmill at its widest point and then measure the space we have to cram it through...both equal 29 inches....matt assures me this is a feasible task...i have my doubts. so we somehow manage to struggle it through the first set of stairs...this taking about 20 minutes...we then get it lodged over the second set of stairs...that's right folks...stuck between the foundation wall and the little white wall. 
lodged treadmill
this all started out quite pleasant, but at this point matt and i are both highly frustrated, sweating our guts out, and about to rip each others faces off.  matt was losing his temper and i was yelling and laughing at the same time because i had crossed the line of sanity and was practically delirious. matt suggested we leave it, lodged in our stairway until he could disassemble it. i didn't love this idea because we couldn't get down to our laundry with it there. we decided the best thing to do was to take a breather and cool off. when we came back we gave it the biggest push we could and..... long story short...we somehow shoved it through that terrible place and now it's living in the basement! even though we just about reached our frustration limits, we are laughing about it now....good times.

well hopefully you made it through that forever-long post awake. i hope to keep more on track with the blog this year....cross your fingers!

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