Monday, January 24, 2011

1 year down and an eternity to look forward to!

can't believe a year has already come and gone since i married my love and best friend! some people say the first year is the hardest, but i would disagree. i know we had some battles, but i can't really remember a single one...granted i do have a super poor memory [wink] some of my favorite memories of year number one include laughing so hard at 2 in the morning i was sure i was going to pee, sitting on the Ogden Temple northside bench and talking, watching seinfeld and lost together, going to Javiers on thursday nights, traveling to san diego, nebraska, park city, and colorado, having tickle wars, getting in touch with our native side, riding with matt in the tractor, giving each other pedicures/massages, and of course playing with merv. i am still a horrible cook and housekeeper and matt still leaves the cabinets open and all the lights on, but we have years to get good at that. for now we are just going to continue to love the crap out of each other!

we had a splendid anniversary weekend...hope you enjoy the pictures half as much as we enjoyed making them:
playing at the craft store...arg!

oh behave!

finger painting...once upon a time there was a potential mess waiting to unfold

matter trying to connect with his inner artist...bless his heart he is trying!

ash focusing deeply on the finger print petals

merv the majestic by matthew

the petterons by may or may not take me more than a year to learn how to spell PETERSON!

little red house by matt, ash, and merv

war paint

post battle treaty

back to wear it all began! we really enjoyed doing sealings in the Bountiful Temple!

our favorite arches

fun while waiting for our light show to begin in slc

astro matt and ash at the planetarium

an alien from mars!

a local

on our way to deer valley..excited to hit the slopes

ahh! facials!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so cute! Looks like a fun anniversay :-) thanks for sharing
