Sunday, August 15, 2010

guitar playing, cowboy matt

yesterday matt asked me what and how many pets i would have if i had free reign. after commenting that i would have one kittie, one puppie, and maybe a bunnie when we had kids, i asked matt what pets he would like. the rest of the conversation goes as follows :

matt: a ferret
ash: really?
matt: no, i don't like birds
ash: what?
matt: i don't like birds
ash: a ferret is not a bird

*look of confusion slides onto matt's face*

matt: oh yeah...what's a ferret again?
ash: a ferret is a rodent
matt: oh yeah...with the long, tubie body!
ash: oh geez

silly matt makes me smile

last night matt and i went to the fair. matt insisted on wearing his cowboy hat and i couldn't let him look like a hick all by himself so i ended up in flannel and a cowgirl hat. i have to admit matt makes a damn sexy cowboy:

tonight matt and i made our first meal from scratch...don't worry, it only took us 6.5 months of being married to attempt it! we made potato soup and it actually wasn't a disaster. we for sure need to work on spicing up the flavor, but it was actually pretty tasty for our first try. a simple potato soup is probably not a huge deal for most, but i am a horrid cook so this was quite the accomplishment for me.

as i type matt is practicing guitar. he is musically inclined so i have no doubt he will pick it up fast. merv is not a fan of guitar. merv was sleeping peacefully on the floor until matt made his first strum. merv's ears shot up like little fire crackers and his tail got very poofie. he has been sitting by me on the computer desk ever since.


  1. Ash,
    I love the Blog! I love feeling like a fly on the wall to your lives and can't believe how dang cute you guys are. Matt is one lucky man! I'm envious of your young love, it is such a great reminder to me to adore my husband as you adore yours! Bravo.... Jen :>

  2. Hey!!!! I didn't know you had a blog until I was checking Kendell's email. He never checks it so I have to once and a while. I love your blog. It made me laugh. I don't know if you knew but we have
